The Dos and Don’ts of Pressure Washing [infographic]

HomeBlogThe Dos and Don’ts of Pressure Washing [infographic]

Individuals that own homes know that it can take quite a bit of work to keep it all clean, especially the exterior. The outside of your home takes a beating, and over time, the buildup of dirt and grime can be very difficult to remove. If you are looking for an effective cleaning solution, consider pressure washing.

The Dos and Don’ts of Pressure Washing

Homeowners love pressure washing for its fast-acting, high-powered cleaning ability that works wonders on driveways, decks, tires, outdoor furniture, and more. Because these powerful tools pack a real punch, some homeowners are carried away with pressure washing, and actually cause more damage than good. If you are looking to learn more about pressure washing, check out the article below for our expert list of the dos and don’ts of pressure washing.

Pressure Washing: The Dos

  • If you are new to pressure washing or are leery about the possible damage a high-powered pressure washer can cause, do not hesitate in hiring a professional. A professional will ensure that the job is done right the first time without causing any damage.
  • Be sure to prep the item or area you plan to pressure wash ahead of time.
  • Ensure that you are using the proper tip for the job.

The Dos and Don’ts of Pressure Washing

Pressure Washing: The Don’ts

  • Do not use the nozzle tip for every job.
  • Do not immediately go full force; ease into it.
  • Do not assume that buying an expensive pressure washer will be cheaper than hiring professional pressure washing; the professionals are much more affordable than you might think.